The purpose of establishment of PT. Radio Ismail Mubarak, wants to be a broadcast media that uplift the moral values of Islam, especially the teaching of the Koran, as tututan life, especially for people, as well as the demands of the values of the society in general, and community empowerment Bekasi municipality and surrounding areas. For the purpose of establishing menvapai and purpose of existence PT. Radio Ismail Mubarak.VISIONBeing radio teaching the values of the Quran are the best in Bekasi,and was instrumental in the development of social life of dignity order based on the values of Islam.MISSION- PT. Radio Ismail Mubarak / Ismail Radio as Media education, distribution of talent and expertise.- Making PT. Radio Ismail Mubarak / Ismail radio as an information center in both directions, both local and regional information with the preaching of the true, useful, and promoting the values of Islam.- Making PT. Radio Ismail Mubarak / Ismail radio as a medium of friendship fellow citizens Bekasi City and surrounding areas.